Dear Supporters of the SLAM orphanage,

We want you to know the results of your kind and generous support. Because of you, over 40 orphans are now receiving food, accommodation, education and love. They are so grateful. Also, because of special additional donations from some individuals we are able to fund advanced university medical training for Abraham, one of the first orphans initially helped by SLAM. The following is a message he recently sent to our committee.

God bless you and the entire team. I’m really grateful to all of you. I don’t know without Jason and you guys what should have been my future. May God reward you for taking away my tears. Please extend my sincere appreciation to the team. I just wish one day I will have the opportunity to do this myself in person, though words cannot describe exactly the joy you guys has given through Christ. Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday. Much love to you all

– Abraham

Thank you to everyone for your prayers, for your ongoing support and also for the special donations which have made Abraham’s university training a reality. His hard work and leadership is giving hope to many other orphans who will contribute to helping Sierra Leone become more self-sufficient.

We continue to work toward our vision of having a school built to complement the orphanage. Any support you can give is greatly appreciated. 

Details on how you can donate can be found here.